Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Fresno
| Personal Injury Lawyer
If you are injured due to another person’s negligence, legal actions can be taken, so make sure to contact an injury attorney in Fresno, California, immediately. Nothing can bring back a healthy body, but somebody must take responsibility.
A personal injury case should not be taken lightly and a lot can stem from it: serious injuries, property damage, lost income, and even wrongful death claim.
Catastrophic Injuries We Can Help or Personal Injury Claim We Can Help With
Accident cases can have long-term effects on an individual’s life, but the most devastating incidents can result in catastrophic injuries. These types of accidents are debilitating for a lifetime, unlike broken bones or dislocated joints. Catastrophic injuries include the following:
- Injuries resulting in permanent blindness or deafness
- Spinal cord injuries
- Complete or partial paralysis
- Amputations or other massive physical trauma
- Severe, disfiguring burns
- Brain injuries resulting in permanent cognitive impairment, physical disability, or mood imbalance
- Organ damage
Paralysis is defined as the loss of muscle function but may include the loss of sensory feeling. The most common cause of paralysis is nervous system damage, such as injury to the spinal cord. There are two types of paralysis:
- Paraplegia: paralysis of the lower half of the body
- Quadriplegia: paralysis of the arms and legs
The spinal cord doesn’t need to be completely severed for paralysis to occur. Most frequently, a traumatic incident results in fracturing or dislocation of the vertebrae. When pieces of the vertebrae tear into or press down on the spinal cord, it prevents signals from moving down the spinal cord. When signals can’t be carried down the spinal cord, the muscles can’t move.
Though catastrophic injuries are the most severe injuries a person may incur short of death, the accident causing the damage isn’t necessarily so severe. Catastrophic injuries may result from a variety of accidents, including:
- Sports activities
- Trips and falls
- May include premises liability
- Workplace accidents
- Industrial accidents
- Motor vehicle accidents
- Physical assaults
What Should You do After a Catastrophic Injury or Personal Injury Accidents?
Safety first!
- If you suffer a catastrophic injury, you will be immediately transported to the hospital.
Document Everything
Ask a loved one to help so you can concentrate on getting well
- Take photographs of your injuries
- Get a police report
- Get the witnesses names and contact information
- Get a statement with your phone of what the witness saw happen
Don’t wait. Call a personal injury attorney right away.
- You pay nothing unless we win your case.
- Attorney Tim Mazzela is available 24 hours a day to meet with you by phone, via video chat, or in person. Because of COVID, we cannot come to homes or hospitals, but we can handle your business.
- If you want to get the maximum settlement
- If you want to know the value of your case
- If the insurance company is treating you unfairly
- If you need assistance settling medical treatment
What Should You do After a Catastrophic Injury?
After your preliminary medical treatment, your next step should be to call a catastrophic attorney. Tim Mazzela’s office can help you receive proper medical attention so you can focus on your health while we begin the work of building your case in this complicated area of law.
What can I be compensated for when I’m a Victim of a Catastrophic Injury?
Because catastrophic injury can result in such significant financial damage, determining the personal injury claim’s value is vital in bringing about legal action. Placing a value on a case takes years of legal expertise. To determine the value of a case, Fresno personal injury attorney Tim Mazzela draws on decades of experience with his verdicts and settlements, reviews other prominent lawyers’ verdicts and settlements, and uses resources not available to the general public.

Economic Damages
California law recognizes the following items as Economic Damages
- Past medical expenses
- Future medical expenses
- Past wage loss
- Future wage loss
- Loss of earning capacity
- Past and future surgeries
- Past and future medical expenses
- Loss of household services
- Modifying your home to accommodate the disability
- Out-of-pocket expenses you incurred to accommodate the injuries and disabilities caused the accident.
Non-Economic damages
California law recognizes the following items as Non-Economic Damages
- Impact on your personal life
- Impact on your family relationships
- Impact on your professional life
- Disfigurement
- The impact on your life and your family’s lives
- Pain
- Suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Inconvenience
- Mental/emotional distress
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Temporary disability
- Permanent disability
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